Nev Wood: I founded Pickwick Performance in 1984, a lifelong petrolhead and motorsport enthusiast, starting my career as an engineer and by the age of 21 running my own business. My engineering background has given me a longstanding respect for the design and build quality of Audi VW vehicles above all others, hence our 38-year-plus specialization. My hobbies include motor racing and race car preparation. I've built my massively modified 540bhp Ariel Atom for the Superlap Scotland time attack championship. I also enjoy downhill mountain biking and back-country ski touring here in Scotland. It's a privilege when your passion is also your career, and I feel very lucky to combine the pair with as much enthusiasm today as I've had for almost 40 years in the business. Feel free to call me directly should you need any advice on one of our vehicles or more information on sales, financing, servicing, or anything else I can help with.